Our team is always ready to help you out
Peter de Vreede
Peter studied International Management and worked at various multinationals. He has lived in many different countries for study and work. But he co-founded RentSlam based on his experience at other startups, such as JustLanded (a website that helps expats). “I saw that finding a rental property is one of the most frustrating tasks people face when moving to big cities.” So after a detour, Peter finally found his goal: “Let’s make finding a house suck less.”
Raúl Amedey Ciria
Raúl studied computer science and has more than 15 years of experience as a software developer. As a tenant himself, he agrees, the process is very bad. In recent years he has focused on machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and natural language processing. He is obsessed with creating a positive rental property finding experience using artificial intelligence. He enjoys swimming, dancing and traveling around the world.
Nico van Schooten
Marketing Manager
Nico is the youngest of the team. His first experience with RentSlam was as a customer. After finding his home and being impressed with the service, he decided to call RentSlam. The telephone conversation resulted in a freelance assignment. A year later he fully joined RentSlam as a marketeer and customer service representative. Nico is very social, loves good food and drinks with friends. He prefers a good conversation (with a cup of coffee) to an email!
Rentslam manifesto
“>This is not some piece of inspirational text to tell you what we believe in. You are here, so you are looking for a rental home. This undoubtedly means that you have already spent far too much time behind your screen looking for your next apartment. So we’ll keep it short and sweet:
We give people the opportunity to use technology to make finding a rental property as easy as checking email or clicking on a WhatsApp message.
Time is money and we respect both. We offer fair, clear prices and a service that will save you a lot of time and provide many more opportunities to rent.
Humanity over money
We choose people over profit and humanity over money. People come first and we are therefore proud of our great five star customer service.
Out of the box
We think “out-of-the-box”. This gives us the insight to give our customers the knowledge and skills to reclaim their dignity when looking for a rental home.