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Frequently asked questions

Here we answer the most frequently asked questions. You can click on a category below to go straight to the questions you want answered.

How does RentSlam work
All the answers to your questions about how RentSlam works, what options you have and why we are the #1 in finding rental properties
My search profile
How to make a good search profile to successfully rent a property? And what can you adjust if you don’t receive enough listings?
How to apply to rental listings
How best to respond to rental listings coming up for rent so that you can maximise your chances of renting that great house.
How to get viewings
How do you get invited to viewings, what do you need to consider and which documents do you take with you when you go there.
What can you do as a student, to be able rent a house. What documents can you prepare and who can you ask for help.
The costs
Why is RentSlam not free, what options do you have, what payment options are available and how can you save on costs.

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